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My Mindful Moment series are 12 pieces that will directly fund my own therapy this year.

I realised I really enjoy fundraising for causes that inspire me but I often neglect myself. In 2020 I started therapy again which has been incredibly helpful, however, in order to access what I need it is a  paid service and I need to cover the costs. Therefore this year I will be releasing a painting and prints on the last day of each month that I've painted mindfully that will directly fund my own therapy and hopefully I can raise awareness of mental health issues, reduce the stigma and create some good conversations and support to others.


The quote for this piece is, “Done is better than perfect". Obviously doing everything perfectly would be amazing but it's unrealistic! I often have to remind myself of this on so many parts of my life, it's better just to get stuff done rather than it being perfect. I didn't make a social media presense for my art for so many years as I wanted to do it perfectly, however it would have been better if I had just started!


This painting features a Hazer Dormouse curled up in their summer nest up in the twigs as it's been a damp summer so they will be hiding out a lot in torpor. I like to think that they don't aim to make their nests perfectly and at some point decide that they are done enough and settle down to sleep! I read an amazing online hand book called the "The dormouse conservation handbook Second edition by Paul Bright, Pat Morris and Tony Mitchell-Jones" and found this information:


"Over the last 100 years, the hazel dormouse has declined in both numbers and distribution. Recent surveys suggest that it has become extinct in about half its former distributional range, including six counties where it was reported to be present by Rope (1885). There are now fewer than ten known sites north of a line between the Wirral and the Wash (including recent reintroductions).During cool or wet periods in summer, dormice may spend several hours a day in a state of torpor. In early summer, more than nine hours per day may be spent in torpor, although by autumn the average time is less than half an hour. The animals become moribund and inactive as the body cools, with their normal temperature (similar to our own) falling to little above that of their surroundings. The torpid animal is tightly rolled up with the tail curled over its belly and face.In some years the majority of summer days may be dominated by cool, wet ‘westerly’ weather conditions, probably affecting the ability of female dormice to raise their young and also reducing the viability of independent juveniles.Dormice may sometimes be discovered asleep in old bird nests, tangles of ivy or masses of conifer needles trapped among branches. They also weave their own nests. Typically these are grapefruit-size and often found in brambles or other low-growing shrubs and are most likely to be found in the autumn. Dormouse nests are woven from strips of honeysuckle bark, or similar material, and frequently have whole leaves incorporated into the outer layers. These are often collected fresh and are either green or faded to grey."


Reference photo by Daisy Cogley.



A5 sized Fine Art Glicee print on 310 GSM Elegance™ Velvet Platinum Edition Fine Art Paper, signed and numbered and limited to 24, packaged in a biodegradable film.


Mindful Moment Print - Number 8 - Done is better than perfect

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